Directed by Alan Arkin. Starring Elliott Gould, Marcia Rodd, and Vincent Gardenia. Little Murders DVD : Little Murders Blu-ray : AKA: Kis gyilkosságok Kleine moorden zonder belang Kleine Morde Kleine Mörder Mici asasinate Mikroi dolofonoi Pequenos Assassinatos Petits meurtres sans importance Piccoli omicidi Pieniä murhia Salvo por Amor Små, små mord Småmord Szellemtanú Малки убийства Небольшие убийства
Most importantly for me, he wrote the screenplay for my favorite movie ever, the brilliant dark comedy, "Little Murders."
Thank you Jules Feiffer and goodbye.
RIP the great Jules Pfeiffer! He wrote the screenplay for the 1971 film “Little Murders” a satirical tragic comedy set in 1970s NYC. I love this film & have watched it numerous times: it’s brilliant, it’s hilarious, it’s scathing & a classic as far as I’m concerned. If you’ve never watched it do so! Tribute time. R.I.P.
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