
The Crisis that Broke DC | Dark Nights: Death Metal

Humanity struggles to survive in a hellish landscape twisted beyond recognition, and Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman are trapped in nightmare worlds within the Dark Multiverse! It all comes down to the Darkest Knight versus Wonder Woman, in the most metal-est DC event of all time—paving the way for the future of the DC Universe! Never miss an episode by subscribing today! #batman Other places to find ComicPop: Patreon - Discord - Twitch - TikTok - Twitter - Instagram - Facebook - Drop us a line c/o ComicPop PO Box 1157 Denville, NJ 07834 (NOTE: Do NOT send anything you might want returned.) Check out the official ComicPop trade paperback library (updated daily)! What is ComicPop? ComicPop is a few friends talking about comic books. The ComicPop team brings a bunch of unique points of view to every single discussion about a comic book, graphic novel, character or story arc. You can find full conversations about your favorite titles from Marvel and DC Comics, plus a few pretty key independent comics. If you're looking for a long, funny conversation about Batman or a deep dive into why Spider-Man is so neurotic, check out the hours and hours of amusing, insightful and downright stupid conversations about some of your favorite comic books over the years. If you're a longtime comic book reader or just starting out, make sure to subscribe right now! ComicPop ComicPop Returns ComicPop Plays

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