This 1970 comedy won a bucketful of Emmys during its seven year run; the show was named 'Outstanding Comedy' three times, the same number of times its star was named 'Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series'. The series placed #6 on a list of the 101 best written tv series of all time. The supporting cast was top-notch, and three of them would continue their roles in spin-off series. 'Love Is All Around', the shows' theme song, was written and performed by Sonny Curtis. 00:00 First season open; the lyrics were different from later seasons to reflect Mary's first year in a new job. 00:55 Fourth season opening; these lyrics were used from season two onward. 01:49 Seventh season open: the instrumental backing was refreshed with a new arrangement. 02:44 End credits. 3:18 Mimsie.
Mary Tyler Moore Show Theme I loved this show!
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