Now more than ever, Walmart and other retailers are asking shoppers to become self-sufficient. And some customers have treated this responsibility as an invitation to add a little something extra to their bags. But even in understaffed stores, shoppers aren’t as alone as they assume . . . As someone—or something—oversees every purchase. Customers are mad at the extremes put in place. Is this how retailers should be treating their valued customers? Sources: [Music Licensing] Code: 6AMBTFRU7GBTLUJK, Y8AD9XTWJTN92AVI, QU6DR91EDN9LKZL2, PVNZSPDWNVM4F43K, WX0F1SV9KEYXFZER, CBD8UQ4Z8ZZAC2KI, WST62J0CJUCH2NNK, VAUGNLG7A6HTBOMP
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