The Metropolitan police launched an outrageous assault on Saturday's Gaza protest in London, presenting it as a threat to Jewish Londoners. The Green Party's deputy leader Zack Polanski explains why the narrative about the protests - and the police claims about what happened on Saturday - are entirely false. Press like, subscribe, comment share - and support us as we expand our challenge to our broken media here: or here: I’m hiring a brilliant video and social media expert thanks to you. We're doing new content on Instagram and TikTok to reach new bigger audiences with vital messages, like this: and
We are living through an authoritarian government complicit in a genocide. They know they are on the wrong side of history and this is backlash. We must all continue to speak up. W/
"The Metropolitan police launched an outrageous assault on Saturday's Gaza protest in London, presenting it as a threat to Jewish Londoners. The Green Party's deputy leader Zack Polanski explains why the narrative... are entirely false."
Zack Polanski on top form here. Well worth a full listen.
Gaza Protest Shutdown Exposed By Jewish Politician - w/. Green Party's Zack Polanski Libk: Follow
'Gaza Protest Shutdown Exposed By Jewish Politician w / Green Party's Zack Polanski 🆘🇬🇧🆘 #PoliceState 🆘🇬🇧🆘 😱 #AbuseOfPower 😱 #Gaza #RightToProtest
Gaza Protest Shutdown Exposed By Jewish Politician - w/. Green Party's Z... via @YouTube
The Metropolitan police launched an outrageous assault on Saturday's Gaza protest in London, presenting it as a threat to Jewish Londoners. The Green Party's deputy leader Zack Polanski explains why the narrative about the protests are entirely false.
It seems starmer and Tories are getting fucked in the arseole in a way they can not handle well watch this video and learn how to fuck your governments up over Palestine.
Gaza Protest Shutdown Exposed By Jewish Politician - w/. Green Party's Zack Polanski
The Metropolitan police launched an outrageous assault on Saturday's Gaza protest in London, presenting it as a threat to Jewish Londoners. The Green Party's deputy leader Zack Polanski explains why the narrative and the police claims about what happened on Saturday - are entirely false.
#Palestine #Israel #UK
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