**Go to https://ground.news/rof to see through media bias and know where your news is coming from. Sign up through my link to get 50% OFF Vantage-level subscription for unlimited access this month only. During a recent interview on the right wing Benny Johnson Show, Trump lawyer Alina Habba was introduced to notorious misogynist Andrew Tate, where she gushed over how great he is and then proceeded to compare him to Donald Trump. Tate has been accused of rape, sex trafficking, and several other serious charges in Europe, but those charges didn’t stop Habba from acting like a giddy schoolgirl and comparing Tate to Trump. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains why this is such a big deal. Link – https://www.mediaite.com/news/alina-habba-gushes-praise-to-accused-rapist-sex-trafficker-andrew-tate-says-hes-just-like-trump/ Subscribe to stay connected to our stories: https://www.youtube.com/theringoffire Support us by becoming a member on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWIEbibRcZav6xMLo9qWWw/join Or Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheRingofFire Buy Ring of Fire merch: https://www.buyrof.com/ Find us on social media! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RingofFireRadio Twitter: https://twitter.com/RingofFireMedia Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ringoffirenetwork/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ringoffiremedia *This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos. These days, there really are no certainties in the world of politics. I mean, you know, we can look at polls, we can look at, you know, history and think we know what's gonna happen. But you never really can tell these days, right? Surprises happen all the time. But I'm telling you that to say this, I am 100% confident that from now until the end of time, I will never have to utter the phrase. Alina Haba did something smart today. Yes, out of all of the, uh, predictions we could make, that is one that I will stand by 100% because every time Alina Haba shoves her face in front of a camera, you better believe she's about to say the dumbest things you have ever heard in your life. And this Friday was no exception. Alina Haba appeared on the right wing Benny Johnson program where she was also joined by accused rapist and accused sex trafficker accused tax. Eva accused criminal conspiracy, uh, creator Andrew Tate. And rather than saying, Hey, Benny, why are you putting me here with this, you know, disgusting person, who, by the way, Tate is also a self-described misogynist. No, Alina Haba instead heaped praise on him. And if that's not bad enough, she then compared this man who again is accused of rape and sex trafficking, said that he is quote just like Trump. Here is how that exchange went down. It started with a a, a Lena Habbas saying, Hey, nice to meet you. I'm a big fan. And then Andrew Tate said, well, nice to meet you. I'm fan. You're the one saving Trump. You're doing more important work than me. Now, before I continue, uh, need, I remind you that Alina Haba has lost every single case where she represented Donald Trump in court, every one of them. She was so bad as his lawyer and made so many mistakes that for a while there, and I talked about this at the time, MAGA fans actually launched a conspiracy theory accusing Alina Haba of secretly working for the Democrats. That's how bad she was as his lawyer, that people thought she was doing it intentionally because she was secretly working for the Democrats and Andrew Tate's like, you saved Trump. No, she didn't. She cost him half a billion dollars, bud. And worse. Anyway, it continues. Alina Haba then says, America. America, not just Trump. And I agree with everything you just said, and I think that your anger is the same that President Trump has for our country. And the time is now for us to stop being wimps. I think that's exactly the right sentiment, and I always have to say that I sympathize with you Because I think you go through a lot of the same. Show me the person, I'll find the crime that President Trump has gone through. And it's ironic that Benny has you on today because as you know, president Trump just got sentenced in what literally will be one of the most tragic stories in American history and democracy in the justice system that I used to be proud of being a part of. But I agree with everything you say, and I have your back out here in the States, and when I saw you were going to be on, I said to Benny, I have to meet Andrew Tate. There is literally only one person with the same amount of anger and fire. That's probably me and President Trump.
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