Mark Zuckerberg is the chief executive of Meta Platforms Inc., the company behind Facebook, Instagram, Threads, WhatsApp, Meta Quest, Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses, Orion augmented reality glasses, and other digital platforms, devices, and services. Take ownership of your health with AG1 and get a FREE bottle of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free Travel Packs with your first subscription. Go to
Rogan interview with Zuckerberg that dropped this morning is something to behold. basically him dumping years of anger at the media, the government, social discussion clearly all pent up for years and now allowing himself to do it because of Trump coming to power
There is not enough cheese in all the world for this endless and turnt jug o’ whine? Have you ever met a group of rich people who were this miserable and or more powerful men acting like victims rather than the predator?
Hier, Mark Zuckerberg a fait le SAV de sa mue trumpiste pendant trois heures chez Joe Rogan. Le temps de comparer le fact-checking à 1984, de réclamer "plus d'énergie masculine" en entreprise et de préconiser "le repeuplement des élites culturelles".
Ab Minute 22 sagt Zuckerberg hier ziemlich deutlich, was er sich von seinem Kniefall vor Trump erhofft: Dass dieser die EU mit allen Mitteln unter Druck setzt, jegliche Vorschriften bezüglich seiner Plattformen fahren zu lassen.
Well there you have it. In his Rogan Interview Zuck argues that the “billions of EU fines” against US companies “basically amount to tariffs”, and “you’d expect the USG to defend its companies” abroad moving forward.
Was fehlte noch? Genau: Ein Auftritt bei Joe Rogan. In dem fast dreistündigen Gespräch lässt Zuckerberg mal so richtig Dampf ab. Als hätte sich jahrelang etwas aufgestaut. Die Medien!!!! Die EU!!! Biden!!!! Er fühlt sich sichtlich pudelwohl bei seinen neuen Bros.
Marc Zuckerberg's mask-off moment—His new interview with Joe Rogan is a no-holds-barred event that offers a peek into his decision to gut Meta's content moderation policies and shutter its DEI programs.
zuckerberg lets it slip that he wants to punish the EU.
Drei Tage nach der Ankündigung des großen Richtungswechsels bei Meta war Zuckerberg gestern zu Gast bei Joe Rogan und sprach in einem fast dreistündigen Interview über Zensurversuche der Biden-Regierung und der EU.
L'interview brocoli de Zuck chez Rogan donne pas mal de clés pour comprendre le revirement à 180 degrés (notamment le magma du covid) mais on a surtout le sentiment qu'il a négocié ce virage muskien contre l'interdiction de tiktok, qui menace trop son business
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Für den Kontext
It's definitely interesting to Zuckerberg come clean about how Facebook was so badly pressured by the woke mob and the Democrat party to censor normal views and push woke propaganda.
Mark Zuckerberg blames the media for FB's crackdown on misinformation in a 3 hour interview with Joe Rogan. Claims FB caved to pressure from the media in the wake of Trump's election and Covid, and the turn away from fact-checking is a correction
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