John Oliver discusses tipping, why itâs more complicated and fraught than you might realize, how we can address some of the issues surrounding it, and whether or not he deserves 25% at the end of this story. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once:
Hereâs last nightâs story about tipping, why itâs more complicated and fraught than you might realize, and how John is â shockingly â younger than David Beckham. We know. We didnât believe it either, but we had our research team check *several* times and itâs somehow true.
I hope people watch John Oliver on tipping this week. A pregnant waitress in Texas earns $2.13 an hour with zero access to abortion.
Os estragos unidos sĂŁo realmente um buraco To vendo o vĂdeo do John Oliver sobre gorjeta e descobri q Ă© comum pagarem um sĂĄlĂĄrio ABAIXO DO MĂNIMO (sub minimum wage de $2,13 a hora) e Ă© com a gorjeta q o funcionario tem q completar seu salĂĄrio, alĂ©m de existir imposto na gorjeta!
John Oliver explica que el sistema estadounidense de propinas tiene un origen LITERALMENTE esclavista y que ahora... bĂĄsicamente sigue siĂ©ndolo. Y que no tiene arreglo bĂĄsicamente porque son bobos. En fin, otro dĂa mĂĄs en AmĂ©rica segĂșn explica "Estado fallido tunait".
Sistem napitnin je v ZDA nor. Eni delavci niti niso na minimalcu - bednih 7 eur/h -, ampak na "subminimalcu" za ushiva DVA EVRA na uro. Kot je povzel komentar: "As a European, it really feels like they didn't abolish slavery in the US, they just made it a business."
My work on the problems with no-tax-on-tips (and tipping generally) was featured on Last Week Tonight ( yesterday. Kudos to John Oliver for explaining in far more entertaining fashion than I ever could.
Earlier this week, John Oliver shined a spotlight on America's exploitative tipping culture and stressed the urgent need to dismantle this egregious legacy of slavery. Give it a watch, share it, and spread the word: we need one fair wage for all workers!
Last Week Tonight on Tipping
John Oliver said tonight on his show that kid rock looked "like someone who was constantly on trial for something like moonshine fraud". đ€Łđđ
Let's fucking go, finally
If you're not sure how, when, or if you should tip, watch this. You will hopefully get a better understanding about tipping.
Indeed we don't need to eliminate tax on tips We need to eliminate the sub-minimum wage (currently $2.13) John Oliver has the deets
Das solltet ihr euch unbedingt ansehen: John Oliver spricht ĂŒber die Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Trinkgeld in den USA. Worth watching: John Oliver talks about the problems associated with tipping in the USA.
Ha molado mucho el #LastWeekTonight de las propinas. Me apetecĂa volver a un tema interesante que no implique potencialmente la WW3
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