Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg made waves this week when he announced that Facebook would be getting rid of their fact checkers, which everyone knew was an attempt to appease Donald Trump. But in spite of this new decision, and his hiring of Trump allies combined with his $1 million donation to his inauguration, Trump’s MAGA base still HATES Zuckerberg and they are warning Trump that Facebook is not to be trusted. The whole thing backfired on Zuckerberg, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains. Link – Subscribe to stay connected to our stories: Support us by becoming a member on YouTube: Or Support us on Patreon: Buy Ring of Fire merch: Find us on social media! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: *This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos. So Mark Zuckerberg thought that he was doing Donald Trump a big favor, and of course, getting on his good side this week by announcing that meta, the parent company of Facebook was no longer going to allow fact checkers, right? The getting rid of all the independent contractors that they use as fact checkers. You can lie all you want. You can of course engage in horrible slurs against the L-G-B-T-Q community. All bets are off on Facebook. Zuckerberg says, and as everybody knows, he did this to appease Donald Trump and Maga. The funniest part though, is that after he made this announcement, once the dust settled, did MAGA hail him as a hero? Did they hoist him upon their shoulders and say, this is our new king? Nope. They got even more off and went after him because they know why he's doing it, and they see through him clearly. So in his attempt to suck up to Trump and maga, mark Zuckerberg only managed to off. Literally everybody as the left was off about the fact checking. And of course, all the other horrible new policies and the MAGA side still hates him because he is so incredibly transparent and stupid. Here's what a selection of MAGA people had to say. Nicole Shanahan, who is a Trump backer, and of course she was RFK Junior's running mate for that very stupid campaign. She said this, four years after censoring a sitting president, Zuck suddenly announces these reforms. Right after the same man he banned from his platform gets reelected by the people. Pretty obvious. Then Laura Loomer said, talk is cheap. Facebook should not be trusted, and MAGA should not get back on Facebook or Instagram until actual apologies are issued by Zuckerberg. And damages are paid to those who have been harmed by Facebook. So Laura Loomer is like, listen, I want a written apology and money. You gotta give me money. Yeah, because that's all these people are after, like that is it. Like that is at the root of all of this. They don't have a real ideology. They don't actually have a belief system. They don't have real things they want or don't want, just money. Just give us money and we'll be fine. Such, just open Grifters at this point. Senator Marsha Blackburn, she simply said that this is a ploy to avoid being regulated. We will not be fooled. Now, I agree with her like she is absolutely right. Facebook, as I mentioned in the segment earlier this week, they got a very big, uh, uh, monopoly trial from the Federal Trade Commission coming Up in April. They want that to go away, and that, I think is the number one reason why Zuck did this. Why he gave a million dollars to Trump, why he hired Trump's friend, Dana White, to be on his board of directors. Why he hired Joel Kaplan, a MAGA guy to be in charge of public policy. It's so transparent that it's just so dumb, right? Like we look at these tech guys, the public does. I don't, trust me, I don't think you do either, but people look at these tech guys like these are the smartest that ever lived. They're so dumb. They are so painfully stupid. Are they good at computers? Sure they are. Do they have any common sense between any of them? No, they do not. Like Zuckerberg could have done this, you know, a little more covertly, you know, could have played it cool a little bit, you know, made some little changes here. A little changes there. Let's not make it obvious, but in, I mean like he may as well put a giant MAGA hat on the meta building and be like, what are you talking about? Like, I just, I'm just a MAGA guy now. You're so dumb and so obvious that even the people you're trying to convince to be on your side aren't buying it.
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