SXSW 2025 Livestream and On Demand Keynotes & Featured Speaker Sessions + VOD Portuguese and Spanish language translations presented by Itaú (these will be available within 48 hours of VOD publishing). Every few years, we scramble to set up new accounts on another platform just to rebuild our audiences or keep in touch with our friends online. Private platforms have locked users in for too long, contributing to a lack of innovation and competition in social media. Bluesky, an open network surging in popularity, aims to fundamentally change this and return choice to users. Join Jay Graber, Bluesky’s CEO, for a conversation on how we can take control over our experience online. About SXSW: SXSW dedicates itself to helping creative people achieve their goals. Founded in 1987 in Austin, Texas, SXSW is best known for its conference and festivals that celebrate the convergence of the interactive, film, and music industries. An essential destination for global professionals, SXSW features sessions, showcases, screenings, exhibitions, professional development and a variety of networking opportunities. For more information, please visit Subscribe: Connect with SXSW: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:
Every few years, we sign up for yet another platform just to keep in touch with our friends. Private platforms have locked users in for too long, causing a lack of innovation & competition in social media. Bluesky aims to fundamentally change this. Live in 20 min with
Holy shit, we were mentioned in Jay’s SXSW keynote! Watch the whole thing — and nailed why the open web, decentralized social, and democratized algorithms are so dang important. (The mention is at 1:05:12)
イベントSXSW2025において、BlueskyのCEO、Jay Graberと、Mike Masnickの対談が行われた。 対話より(注1)。 Mikeの質問 もしナチスがやってきて「ナチス・スカイ」を作り、同じプロトコルと同じシステムを使ったらどうなるか? Blueskyはそれにどう対処するのか? Jayの回答 Gab(注:オルトライト向けSNS)はMastodonエコシステムの他の部分とはまったく異なる規範やルールで運営されるインスタンスを構築した。そこでMastodonの多くのサービスはそのインスタンスの接続しないことにした。
Bluesky CEO with are now speaking on the Future of Social media live at SXSW
Conversation between and about Bluesky...
Seem's stable
Bluesky started out as a project within Twitter, but got spun out before the Musk hit the fan. Watch her SXSW session for the full story.
i think the playback will be available here
Hier ist das ganze Video.
Jay は明日の午前3時か Bluesky's CEO on the Future of Social Media | SXSW LIVE - YouTube
I keep forgetting that, along the help of 21 others (total), the CEO of Bluesky, Jay Graber, is our behind the scenes guru who makes this platform work. Here she provides some history on BlueSky's origins and direction going forward (I had forgotten about its early ties to Twitter):
Very interesting watch if you're interested in how Bluesky came into existence.
Volgens de talk van is dit de 1e optie waar naar wordt gekeken👍
If you missed her #SXSW talk today, you should check it out. She's fantastic. And the shirt swipe at Zuck is ::chef's kiss:: amazing. Bluesky's CEO on the Future of Social Media:
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