Comedy short film starring Diane Morgan (Philomena Cunk) and Alistair Green (Ted Lasso). The future: a woman has brought back her husband from cryogenic suspension...well, most of him. - THAWED is a comedy short film by Jon Drever and published with the permission of the filmmakers. It screened at film festivals including Raindance Film Festival, Encounters Film Festival and Aesthetica Short Film Festival. You can learn more about Jon's work at - DIANE MORGAN is an actress, comedian and writer. She has portrayed Philomena Cunk on the review programme Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe, in the mockumentary series Cunk on Britain and Cunk on Earth. She also played Liz on the BBC sitcom Motherland and Kath in the Netflix dark comedy series After Life, as well as writing and starring in the BBC comedy series Mandy. - ABOUT SHORTFRAME: We curate a selection of award winning short films; the best short films direct from the film festival circuit. Whether it's Drama, Documentary, Horror, Sci-Fi or hilarious Comedy, Cannes, Berlin, Sundance or first time filmmakers: Short Frame is home to the best short films from the world’s most innovative filmmaking talent. - DIRECTOR'S BIO: Jon Drever has worked with some of the UK's best comedy talent including Ross Noble, Brett Goldstein, Catherine Tate, Aisling Bea, Diane Morgan. A multi award winning and Emmy nominated producer, he co-founded the Oscar winning production company, Grain Media. His feature debut was the critically acclaimed SuperHero romcom, SUPERBOB which was called “a modern romantic classic” by Ricky Gervais. - THAWED | Comedy | United Kingdom © Jon Drever - Published with permission - #ShortFilm #Comedy #DianeMorgan
Featuring Diane Morgan (of Cunk fame).
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