Hello everyone! You are watching my ''Veteran Shoemaker Shares This Secret! Use Styrofoam to Repair Holes in Shoes'' video In this video I will show you how to repair a pair of shoes with holes by Using Styrofoam to Repair Holes in Shoes This secret was shared with me by Veteran Shoemaker Shares This Secret! Watch the whole video and you will never throw away your favorite shoes again because you have learned this repair method You can use scrap foam to save money You know how to glue soles to create friction to increase the durability of the shoes In general, watch the whole video and you will know how to repair and increase the life of your favorite shoes, saving money without having to buy new ones at the shoe store Please watch more of my foam shoe repair videos at the link below. https://youtu.be/5QUqaW8bQHU https://youtu.be/5RerGBfHj3s https://youtu.be/8_3rAorNif8 I hope you enjoy watching my videos! Sign me up!!! ttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmh0dZkzeOgJR7BLdOrxh6A?sub_confirmation=1 On the Inventor J you can learn about many different inventions, science projects, crafts and how to do it yourself How to reuse or recycle. Repair damage, how to repair. Instructions on how to repair and restore old items to new ones. Copyright belongs to Inventor J ☞ Do not Reup!
#Arte Un zapatero veterano comparte este secreto: use poliestireno para reparar agujeros en los zapatos! youtu.be/CHjTtACvvb4
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