The latest bill being pushed through by Starmer's Labour might seem like common sense, - that is, until the consequences are pointed out... Right, so whilst Keir Starmer and the mainstream media appear to be utterly occupied by the rancid opinings of Space Karen Elon Musk, something that appears completely new to them, but which Twitter users – and yes, I said Twitter on purpose, X is a rubbish name – have been accustomed to ever since Musk bought the bird site, but it’s far from the only story going and one that should be of far more concern to us and one going grossly underreported is being slammed as a blatant attack on our human rights, a piece of legislation that violates the human rights act even, and recalling the fact that Starmer is supposedly a former human rights lawyer, you’d think he’d have noticed! Well I’m sure in actual fact he has, he just doesn’t care, because if the mainstream media aren’t talking about this, then he figures there’s every chance he can get away with this and if you think this doesn’t affect you, then for one think about those it does, but also bear with me, because if he can get away with this, he can go a lot further with it later on. Right, so human rights abusing Keir Starmer is the order of the day, so what’s he trying to get away with this time then Damo? You might well be asking. Well, all of this is sown up in what is officially being titled the Home School Education and Support Bill. I don’t have kids, my kids are all grown up, my kids go to school, they aren’t homeschooled might be many an immediate reaction but I’d urge you to stick with this one, because by the end I’m betting you’ll be wondering how all of this will actually affect you. Now on the face of this, you might not think it’s such a bad idea, the blurb associated with it on the Parliament website reads: ‘A bill to require parents who choose to home-educate their children to register with the local authority; to make provision about the maintenance of registers by local authorities of children in their area who are not full-time pupils at any school; to make provision about support by local authorities to promote the education and safeguarding of such children; and for connected purposes.’ So in other words, home schooled kids will be required to register as such, local authorities must maintain such a register, ensure said children are safe and being educated properly and take all the appropriate examinations and not be disadvantaged in future by their alternative choice of education. Now you might figure this is largely common sense, you might be wondering how we’re going from home schooling kids to Keir Starmer tearing a great fat hole on our human rights, but there is a catch here and I’m coming onto it. ***Subscribe to the channel here*** ►ABOUT ME: Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on I'm an unpaid carer for my disabled wife and daughter and as such we know all too well the difficulties that are associated with that living in Tory Britain - both blue Tories and red ones - and I personally believe the answer lies in socialism. This channel, along with my other social media act as outlets to push back against that, to demand better of our politicians and leaders, to pull apart the media spin that supports them and the way the UK is run and to give a voice, loud as mine is, to the voiceless. ►CONTACT: Email: ►SUPPORT: If you appreciate the importance of alternative media in the UK and enjoy my work please consider financially supporting it. Various options to suit all budgets, please visit to find out more. Please support Independent Media. ►SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS Alternatively please share this video on your favourite social media & if you'd like to see what I get up to elsewhere, you can also find links to my presence elsewhere at Damo Rants Kernow Damo news,keir starmer,pmqs,Starmer,human rights record,public policy,kier starmer,Labour Party,civil liberties,human rights,UK politics,political reform,political news,social justice,democracy,UK government,accountability,political scandal,homeschooling,homeschooling bill,human rights act,echr,article 8,echr article 8,safeguarding,jess phillips,elon musk,space karen,george galloway,labour education,kernow damo,damo rants,kernow damo latest,damo
Damo Rants ( ): SHOCKING Starmer Bill Bins His Human Rights Record For Good! Video ~9:36min
SHOCKING Starmer Bill Bins His Human Rights Record For Good! #DamoRants #StarmerOutNow
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