Available at brainwash-gang.itch.io/mother-of-many "Far deep into the woods lived a family of mice, there weren't two or three or four but dozens of mouths..." "Mother of Many" is a horde killing roguelite. Harvest vegetables, make a soup with your older sister and get stronger in order to end your family's curse. A Brainwash Gang's internal gamejam game, made by (in no particular order): Sergio "Pikas" - Jorge Monlongo - BeĂcoli - Rafer - Bini - Quike Zárraga - Javi "Pinnit" - Marcos "Muffin D. Sepia" - Eva Cid - Carlos CortĂ©s - Edu Verz - Mohammed Bakir Khawam - Marc Sureda - Carlos C. Gurpegui - LeGord - Joel Torrent - Red Forge - Ivan Papiol - Jose MarĂa "The Cat Sidhe"
Brainwash Gang are one of the most interesting and slept-on indie studios out there. Bunch of weird furry artists and musicians and everything they do goes way too hard. They did an FPS survivors-like for a game jam that hits like a ton of bricks. brainwash-gang.itch.io/mother-of-many
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