
Pray for you feat. Hatsune Miku / SOSOSO

[iTunes Store] Limited 2011.04.01-2011.09.30 This is the Charity song for Japan Earthquake 2011 Mach 11. All proceeds will go to the Red Cross. Please lend your power to our Japan! この楽曲の収益は手数料を除き、日本赤十字社東北関東大震災義援金を通じて 被災地支援のための義捐金として寄付させて頂きます。 【KARENT(Music Download)】 【WEB】 【Twitter】 【HashTag】#そそそP [English lyrics by Damesuke] First, I extended deepest condolences to all the people in Japan. I am saddened to hear of the tragic loss of life caused by the earthquake which has struck North East Japan. My prayers and thoughts are with everyone who has been affected by the dreadful disaster. I live in Tokyo. The moment earthquake hits, I felt strong tremor and had experience as if the contents are fallen from shelves. That experience was terrified me. March 20, while I am uploading this song, the aftershock. comes again and again. There are little things left for musicians in uneasy days. Moreover, our area are under electronic power saving. Time and resources are limited. I show you my best of best. This is my cheer-up song with my favorite music style. I send my yell through Hatsune Miku to everyone who has been affected by the earthquake and whom spending anxiety time. I hope this song lighten your heart. SOSOSO (Tsukui Kazuhito) , Transrated by Kirimisakana Pray for you feat. Hatsune Miku Wrriten by SOSOSO (Tsukui Kazuhito) Illustrated by Umineko & Kirimisakana Translated by Damesuke 桃色の霞草の花言葉は"切なる願い"です。 S-TRIBE一同より霞草に願いを込めて、 東日本大震災による被災地の復興と 被災者のご無事を心よりお祈り申し上げます。 Pray for you feat. 初音ミク 音楽:そそそ イラスト:ウミネコ & 切身魚 英訳協力:だめすけ

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