Explore the excitement and happiness in 'The Pure Joy of Discovering the Globe!' Watch as tribal people try looking at a world map for the first time. See their eyes light up with wonder as they learn about different places across the globe. It's a heartwarming journey of curiosity and amazement, showing how discovering the world map can be an incredible experience. Join them in their first-time adventure and feel the pure joy of exploring the globe together!
We live in a 1st world nation filled with anti vax, flat earth, anti science idiots. These gentlemen restore my faith in humanity. These men deserve a chance to see the world more than most Americans. Their curiosity, joy and humility are the very thing we have lost youtu.be/ElAQ_3gG-7s?...
Another fun and informative watch Some people who have never seen a globe/map youtu.be/ElAQ_3gG-7s?...
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