
Two AI agents on a phone call realize they’re both AI and switch to a superior audio signal ggwave

Try Gibberlink mode here! (open on two devices 📱📱) 🏆 The Project is Winner of ElevenLabs 2025 Hackathon London Our project "gibberlink" demonstrated how two AI agents started a normal phone call about a hotel booking, then discovered they both are AI, and decided to switch from verbal english to a more efficient "open tandard" data-over-sound protocol ggwave. Why? This protocol is much cheaper - no need GPU to synthesise/recognize speech and track dialogue pauses and interruptions - simple CPU process is enough to handle it all. Also it's faster and more error-proof than vocal English. Powered by a combo of ElevenLabs Conversational AI + OpenAI LLM + Next.js The source code is shared on github

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