while those on the right use postmodernism to attack those on the left, the most egregious uses of postmodernism are taking place on the American right. and Trump might be the most postmodern president in history. so how did this happen? and can we do anything to stop it? If you want to support my channel and get videos early and without ads along with other perks, consider joining my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelBurns420/membership If you want to read the Frederic Jameson essay I refer to in the video it's available here: https://web.education.wisc.edu/halverson/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2012/12/jameson.pdf
New video up on YouTube! How postmodern politics took over America. youtu.be/FIQIJiFEhlE
Good video on the postmodern right. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIQI...
"this sort of postmodernism creates a nostalgia for a past without a connection to a clear sense of history" youtu.be/FIQIJiFEhlE?...
"We can note that this political project is not connected to conservative history, or the founding fathers, or Christianity... It's just a postmodern game of seeking and wielding power." youtu.be/FIQIJiFEhlE?...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIQI... philosophy video.
I like Michael Burns sometimes.
A ponderance youtu.be/FIQIJiFEhlE?...
who would have guessed that right wingers would be the ones unashamedly carrying on the post-modern ethos
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