
PM accuses Coalition of ‘playing politics’ over antisemitic attacks

Responding to a question from Peter Dutton as to when he was informed about the discovery of a van in Dural filled with explosives, Australian prime minister Anthony Albanese accuses the opposition leader of playing 'politics' and 'games'. 'That is precisely what you are doing,' Albanese says. 'No asking for a briefing of the security agencies, when I offer a briefing of the security agencies to others, no taking up of that, indeed an objection to a point of order to that as well' Australians want less migration but oppose cutting international student numbers, study finds

Top Bluesky Posts

  • 1 month ago Anthony Albanese stood up & put on the Hansard that Peter Dutton & the Coalition didn’t ask for briefings & even refused those offered on the Dural caravan explosives case Tony Burke is entirely correct in his assertions. While Dutton & James Paterson are lying their arses off to media

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