The twisted version of Early Access in which publishers hide a game's real launch date behind a paywall so you buy a deluxe edition of a game isn't just a scam, it's a scam that's subtley taking away content as it becomes THE reason to pay more money. It is terrifying how well FOMO works...
This week's video discusses how the "pay to play early" scam is contributing to enshittification by replacing actual content with nothing:
Good Morning Bluesky Well, has put up yet another banger (insert sex joke here). This one has a guest singing bit from that made me shoot coffee out my nose while simultaneously making great points. 10/10, will thank God for The Commander
The "Pay To Play Early" Scam Is Replacing Actual Content
Yep, pretty much sums up my feelings on the "pay to play early" stuff, only far more eloquently than I could ever hope to manage. I would like to say I will always refuse to pay money for a few days early access to a game but, #FOMO is real and even I can fall victim to it
The latest case of Shrinkflation, in games
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