The first part of the video (my signature slide) is overlaid by the final bars of "Himnusz", which I played on my keyboard. The main part of the song is one of Tom Lehrer's studio solo songs, "Lobachevsky". It is part of Tom's first published album, "Songs by Tom Lehrer". But I obtained the actual music from the box set, "The Remains of Tom Lehrer", which was released in 2000. Enjoy. And the last part is the main theme of "The Phantom of the Opera", by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Simply the 'cherry on top', and my personal song. Here's the description Tom Lehrer himself made about the song: "This is a description of one way to get ahead, not just in mathematics, but in any academic field. It was modeled after a routine that Sylvia Fine wrote and Danny Kaye performed about the Russian director Stanislavsky. Incidentally, Nicolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky (1793-1856) was a genuine mathematician, best known for his development of non-Euclidian geometry. His name was chosen here for solely prosodic purposes." Sorry I gave so much information about the music earlier. I don't want to get screwed by stupid WMG again. They are a bunch of arse-holes. And to make sure I am not screwed, have them read the following credits: Recorded at TRANS-RADIO RECORDINGS, Boston, MA (1/22/53) Produced by TOM LEHRER From the album "Songs By Tom Lehrer", Trans-Radio #TR-740/Lehrer #TLP- 1 [10" LP] (1953); Reissued as Lehrer #TL-101 [12" LP] (1959) [NOTE: The selections on this album were later re-recorded and issued on an album bearing the same title, as Reprise #RS-6216 (1966)] "The Remains of Tom Lehrer" Compilation â„— 2000 Warner Bros. Records Inc. & Rhino Entertainment Company.
#LETSDOIT25 • 22 • 11 points From the sublime to the… also sublime, but ridiculous in all the right places. If you’re allergic to comedic songs then don’t sweat it, but otherwise, comedy and maths, what more to like? Lobachevsky • Tom Lehrer • 1953
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