
Billy Bragg - A New England (Live on The Tube, 1983)

During the lockdowns I unearthed boxes of video tapes and memorabilia dating back to the earliest years of my career. Over the past months, Iā€™ve been going through them all to pull out clips and photograph objects that illuminate the last 40 years. As the release of my Roaring Forty record approaches, Iā€™m going to be posting the best of what Iā€™ve found, progressing through my career from 1983 to the present day. Each post will be linked to a song from my catalogue as well. I hope you enjoy them. This first clip comes from my very first TV appearance in October 1983, performing A New England live on the Tube. See if you can spot the moment when I inadvertently catch sight of myself on a nearby monitor and, realising Iā€™m on national TV, almost lose my composure. The Roaring Forty Spotify playlist - The Roaring Forty releases pre-order - #BB40 #TheRoaringForty 1

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