"Tears in Heaven" is a ballad written by Eric Clapton and Will Jennings about the pain Clapton felt following the death of his four-year-old son, Conor, who fell from a window of the 53rd-floor New York apartment of his mother's friend, on March 20, 1991. Clapton, who arrived at the apartment shortly after the accident, was visibly distraught for months afterwards. This song is one of Clapton's most successful, reaching #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart in the U.S. The song also spent three weeks at #1 on the American adult contemporary chart in 1992.
Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven (Official Video) youtu.be/JxPj3GAYYZ0?... via @YouTube #musiknick 🎧
Tears In Heaven 🥲 #EricClapton
DÃa 10. Una canción que te ponga triste.
23. Saddest song: Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton youtu.be/JxPj3GAYYZ0?...
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