The Onimusha series by Capcom reawakens with Onimusha: Way of the Sword, a brand new title coming in 2026. Featuring epic sword fights, a lone samurai wields a sharpened blade and the Oni Gauntlet. Amidst the rush of battle and a deluge of blood, he ponders on his reason for fighting. Set in Kyoto in the early Edo period, the historic city has been transformed by the nefarious Malice with monstrous enemies known as "Genma" stalking the area around. What path will the samurai take? Official Site: Official SNS: Onimusha: Way of the Sword â Release Date: Scheduled for 2026 â Supported Hardware: PlayStationÂź5 / Xbox Series X|S / Steam â Genre: Swordplay action â Number of Players: 1 â ESRB Rating: Pending © CAPCOM * Images represents a game still in development. #Onimusha
Every time I ask gamer friends if they've ever played Onimusha the tell me they've never heard of it. So excited to see this come across my feed today!
New onimusha, yes, please kinda hope it's a new story and not a remak, but I'll take it
"Onimusha: Way of the Sword" A Capcom se lembrou da existĂȘncia de "Onimusha". Uma das grandes franquias da empresa no PS2, ela retornarĂĄ com um novo tĂtulo em 2026 para PS5, Xbox Series e PC.
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