A man (Shane Gillis) advertises a new medication that helps when life hits a low point. Saturday Night Live. Stream now on Peacock: https://pck.tv/3n1IyzK Subscribe to SNL: https://goo.gl/tUsXwM Stream Current Full Episodes: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live WATCH PAST SNL SEASONS Google Play - http://bit.ly/SNLGooglePlay iTunes - http://bit.ly/SNLiTunes SNL ON SOCIAL SNL Instagram: http://instagram.com/nbcsnl SNL Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/snl SNL Twitter: https://twitter.com/nbcsnl SNL TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nbcsnl GET MORE NBC Like NBC: http://Facebook.com/NBC Follow NBC: http://Twitter.com/NBC NBC Tumblr: http://NBCtv.tumblr.com/ YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/nbc NBC Instagram: http://instagram.com/nbc #SNL #SNL50 #ShaneGillis #TateMcRae
The funniest thing SNL has done in ... Years? Decades? youtu.be/KUPSTQSGb50?...
Funniest SNL skit in a long time ๐๐๐๐ youtu.be/KUPSTQSGb50?...
He made up for it with this. youtu.be/KUPSTQSGb50?...
I predict that the Trump/RFK, Jr. FDA will soon approve this revolutionary drug combination as a cure for anxiety and depression, with the addition of heroin to bring patients back down when they need it, after the coke. RFK, Jr. may even volunteer to participate in the drug trials.
best SNL skit ive seen in a while ๐https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUPSTQSGb50
I mean this was kinda funny but hoo boy the "LMAO SO FUNNY" "BEST SKETCH IN YEARS" reaction is uhhhh alarming
youtu.be/KUPSTQSGb50 I was lukewarm on this skit until they brought out 'Alilbump' to counteract the effects. Gotta get a "lilbump" to help out after a 'Couplabeers'
I'm off my meds.
dangerously close to last weekends SNL sketch youtu.be/KUPSTQSGb50?...
CouplaBeers - SNL www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUPS... #Entertainment #TV #Comedy #SNL #SaturdayNightLive #CouplaBeers
#SNL youtu.be/KUPSTQSGb50?...
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