Imagine a world where the king of the dinosaurs, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, steps into the heart of the African savannah. Witness an epic battle between two titans as the T-Rex confronts a fierce bull elephant. Who will emerge victorious? Created by: Bhanu Singh Animations: Bhanu Singh & Anirudh Singh Level Design: Bhanu Singh Models: Truong CG Artist Music: Artifact - The Dark Contenent by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist: #africanelephants #trex #dinosaur #dinosaurs #deathbattle #vs #savannalife #savannah #africa #jurassicpark #jurassicworld #animation #unrealengine #unrealengine5 #tyrannosaurusrex #elephant
'T-rex vs African Elephant': Mooie animatie gemaakt in Unreal Engine. Wat zou er gebeuren als een T. rex op de Afrikaanse savanne verzeild raakt? #Dinogeek
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