Stuart Hodes passed away last year (2023), at the age of 98, but his long and fulfilling life continues to fuel us with inspiration. Stuart took his first dance lesson at the Martha Graham school after being discharged from a distinguished stint as an air force aviator in World War II, and he has been dancing through life ever since. He recently wrote a memoir called "Onstage with Martha Graham," and joined us to give his Brief but Spectacular take on dancing into old age. (This episode was first published in 2021) Follow Brief But Spectacular on our Socials: Instagram: Tiktok: Brief But Spectacular is an Emmy-nominated interview series that airs weekly on PBS NewsHour. These short-form episodes present an in-depth look at a variety of compelling guests and ideas. Since 2015, the series has profiled over 300 subjects on a variety of topics, such as the healthcare crisis, immigration, mass incarceration, systemic racism, and mental illness. These powerful narratives put personal faces on complex issues and provide a window into the human condition. The intention of the series is to elicit empathy from the viewer by presenting original voices on universal subjects and inviting the audience to walk in someone else’s shoes. Learn more about the team behind these amazing interviews: #BriefButSpectacular #Documentaries #Interviews
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