Title:- Mystery of Mysterious Drones Deepens! Law Enforcement Agencies Baffled! New Law Required! This is perhaps the lowest drone sighting in New Jersey that baffled the residents over past few weeks. Jordan Wade heard loud beeping outside his house in Cherry Hill, NewJersey. When he walked outside to this huge lit up circular orb looking thing and as soon as he whipped out his camera it turned right into a mini drone. This is the lowest Jordan Wade or perhaps anyone had seen one fly up to this point. Wade says he tried his best to take it down but its gone. According to Jordan Wade it was a circular orb right before he rolled his camera but it changed shapes right in front of his eyes. This is not itā¦ someone who watches weather for climate alerts reported mysterious lights appear above sea near North Carolinaā¦ Another Netizen reported Of all the New Jersey drones stuff, the fact that these things are SPRAYING something in the air is the most terrifying part! People are reporting car lights flashing for no reason in New Jersey and elsewhere. In this video there seem to be two drones flying above the parking lot. Isnāt it Wild! This is NOT a plane. Video was taken on 14th December in Orange County, California Louis Giglio reported that he was filming this drone fly over his house in Staten Island on 14th December but all of a sudden another one came from out of nowhere and they almost collided Passengers on a commercial plane register lights over the skies of New Jersey last night. Even media like ABC news has reported these unidentified bright orb like mysterious drones in the sky. Many Netizens reported and shot them coming in from and descending in ocean on the east coast. Some have even reportedly shot videos of under water unidentified black submerged object moving towards the coast of New Jersey. What are these Unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), UFO, or unidentified submerged object (USO), the mystery is deepening. Local law enforcement agencies are baffled by this phenomenon. In absence of legal rights and legislation, local authorities canāt shoot these drones down. US Department of Defense, Pentagon has release a new classified counter drone strategy on 5th December. Representative like Chris Smith has written letter to White house demanding a proper legistalation and action over these drone sightings as these could be hazard to public and flight safety.
youtu.be/LsdaaT03Sqk?... How is this not a national security threat?
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