
Preoccupations performing "Continental Shelf" Live on KCRW

Watch / Listen to the full session here: The band now known as Preoccupations (formerly Viet Cong) have released a ferocious rock record as their self-titled debut. It's a dark album with echoes of 80's post punk and we look forward to hearing it live in our studio. Music | Culture | News | NPR

Top Bluesky Posts

  • El 20 de gener d'ara fa 10 anys, la banda canadenca Viet Cong va publicar el seu primer disc. El seu nom va causar molta polèmica, fins al punt que algun promotor va cancel·lar actuacions. Degut a això, des del 2016 els coneixem com Preoccupations. 🎂 #PostPunk

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