On 13 December it was confirmed that Czech CZ BREN 2 rifles are being assembled in Ukraine with future plans to expand to manufacturing the rifles. Be sure to check out our accompanying article for this video here - https://armourersbench.com/ Check us out on the History of Weapons & Warfare video streaming app - https://www.weaponsandwar.tv/the-armourer-s-bench If you enjoy our work please consider supporting us via Patreon, TAB is a viewer supported channel and any help is very much appreciated! We have some great new perks, check out our Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/thearmourersbench Where to find TAB: https://armourersbench.com https://facebook.com/armourersbench https://www.patreon.com/thearmourersbench https://www.instagram.com/armourersbench https://utreon.com/c/Armourers-Bench https://discord.gg/DAjRSBc
tbh it's disgraceful that we didn't arrange for domestic small arms production in Ukraine earlier, either through us or our allies. The CZ Bren 2 is a short-stroke rotating bolt rifle that has 5.56 NATO and 7.62x39mm Soviet versions youtu.be/NimjqvDbfSs
Заочно обожнюю Чехію. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nimj...
5.56mm, and A REAL Assault Weapon! Big Difference. m.youtube.com/watch?v=Nimj...
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