
FANTASTIC Labour Party MP Holds A DODGY Water Company To Account?

FANTASTIC Labour Party MP Holds A DODGY Water Company To Account? Now did this fantastic Labour Party MP really hold a dodgy water company to account? After Labour MP for Truro and Falmouth, Jayne Kirkham, was talking about trust and Lake Windermere and the release of raw sewage with Louise Beardmore, Chief Executive Officer, United Utilities. In an Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee on reforming the water sector on the 26th February 2025. Fellow Labour Party MP for Hastings and Rye, Helena Dollimore, asked would the information be forthcoming if it wasn’t for pressure placed upon them by the likes of Fergal Sharkey. 0:00 Intro. 0:04 Setting the scene. 0:41 Helena Dollimore and Louise Beardmore. 3:50 Final thought. 4:21 A call to action. #politics #labourparty #dailyblasé

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