While the media is portraying the cease-fire deal between Hama and Isreal as a great breakthrough and seems more concerned with who brokered it, Biden or Trump, the real story is a much darker one. Not only are the chances for the cease-fire to bring "peace" to the devastated Gaza Strip extremely slim, it also heralds in a new phase in Israel's quest to burn its entire neighborhood as it frees up capacities that can now be directed against Iran. However, the US might be abusing its attack dog in West Asia for the last time to fight a strategic rival it cannot win against. Once this war goes the way all US foreign adventures go, Tel-Aviv might learn the hard way that it is not at all the master in the relationship but an expendable tool of great power politics. To discuss this I got with me again my friend and colleague Lasha Kasradze, a Georgian analyst in the US and, for the first time, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, a retired US army officer, former Chief of Staff of the Secretary of State, and member of the activist group Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. Lasha Kasradze is an international relations analyst with the focus on the states of the former Soviet Union. He concentrates on the South Caucasus and the Black Sea regional affairs. As a keen observer of regional affairs, he has discussed conflicting geopolitical interests between the West and regional powers on you tube platform. Lasha has also shared his analyses on the geopolitical podcast of the Stratfor/Rene company- a geopolitical analyses firm. In 2020, he was asked by the rector of the Sokhumi State University (SSU) in Tbilisi, Georgia to become an academic advisor and a strategic business development officer for SSU. Lasha has been an independent international relations analyst. He is a strong advocate for fostering exchange of ideas and critical thinking. Towards this end, he has conducted exclusive interviews with prominent guests from the US in an effort to facilitate a free flow of objective analyses within the society of his native Georgia . Lasha has written for the Center for New America and his articles have also been published with New Eastern Europe and The National Interest. He holds degrees from Rollins College and The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University in International Relations.
What do you think of this perspective?
LASHA KASRADZE - COLONEL LAWRENCE WILKERSON The Cease-Fire Is NOT Designed For Peace. More War Is Certain. www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5LX... #ISRAELGUILTYWARCRIMINALS #IsraelTerroristState #IsraelisGenocidalEntity #Israel #Israeli #IDF #Rapists #Iran #Lebanon #Hezbollah #Beirut
You're not supposed to know this stuff! m.youtube.com/watch?v=P5LX...
Watch "The Cease-Fire Is NOT Designed For Peace. More War Is Certain | L. Kasradze & Col. L. Wilkerson" on YouTube youtu.be/P5LXNzgo9Ek?...
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