Enjoy Chong Playing Guitar Really loud and Cheech screaming at him to turn it down Cheech Marin - Cheech Tommy Chong - Chong Cheech and Chong's Next Movie (1980) Cheech and Chong live in a decrepit old house and drive their neighbor crazy with their loud music, weed-smoking and general anarchy, and slacker view on life. Then Chong meets Cheech's Texan cousin Red and things kick up a notch
Up in Smoke is unquestionably Cheech and Chong's best movie, but THIS SPECIFIC SCENE in Cheech & Chong's Best movie is the funniest shit I have ever seen. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6Pp... The physical comedy that Cheech does trying to climb up the door is so funny, I can't stand it.
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