Phew, this was a hustle but a rush to put together! The PlayStation mascot that vanished as quickly as he arrived; just who was this spiky-headed creation of consumer research and SEGA inspiration? ___________________________________________________________________________ In Sharka's QuickBytes, I'll be taking a bite-sized (byte-sized?) look at retro games, usually several per video when I'm covering a particular series or theme. There'll be more editing and more scripted commentary in QuickBytes than in the laid-back Nostalgic Nibbles and MEGABytes series', and most vids won't be longer than ten minutes - perfect for a quick blast of Sharka-themed retro goodness. ___________________________________________________________________________ Intro animation courtesy of @KishaTashwood Information researched from: PSPolygons (Twitter) Wikiwand article on Polygon Man Edge website article 'The Making of PlayStation' - 2009 Polygon Man E3 image courtesy of Geoff Keighley ___________________________________________________________________________ Backing music: (OCRemix) Ctrl-Z Strider Remix Flashback - A Quest for Identity Streets of Rage 2 - Strike a Pose Nightshade - AdhesiveWombat #retrogaming #ps1 #psx
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