#ASTRO #MJ #To_Heaven 행: 행복한 일들과 복: 복이 가득한 우리는 하: 하루하루 뜻깊고 특별하게 자: 자신감 있게 살아가자!!!! 무엇보다도 축하해 주신 모든 분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다💜 ▶ Twitter : http://twitter.com/offclASTRO ▶ Facebook : http://facebook.com/offclASTRO ▶ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/officialastro ▶ Weibo : http://weibo.com/officialASTRO ▶ Fancafe : http://cafe.daum.net/fantagio-boys
For his birthday MJ shared with us this cover. Have they listened to it? Did they think it was just a beautiful cover and nothing more? Did they read the lyrics? youtu.be/Qit-UOWnRMA?si… #WE_SUPPORT_MJ #엠제이 #아스트로
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