
PAM BONDI to TRUMP on GUNS: "What we want to do is let law enforcement come in & take the guns" 2018

"When Rabbis Bless Congress: The Great American Story of Jewish Prayers on Capitol Hill" ... buy the new book here: 2-22-2018 President Trump Meeting with Local and State Officials on School Safety MS. BONDI: Thanks, President. I’m Pam Bondi, Attorney General of Florida. And, Mayor, thank you. I know you’re going through a lot now. President, she was there that night with me. I think you were there with me until 3:30 in the morning when all these families were being notified, and it was horrific. So I know you’ve been through a lot, so thank you so much. THE PRESIDENT: She did a great job. MS. BONDI: I have a couple issues that I’ll wait — or do you want to talk about them now? THE PRESIDENT: Talk about them. You can talk. MS. BONDI: Well, one it addresses some of the things you said in Florida. It’s called the Baker Act, but it’s our civil commitment act. And it’s weak, and it’s about 1,000 pages long. And I’ve had my solicitor general on it for four days, three days now, working on it. We’re rewriting it — along with Governor Scott, who’s — you’re going to meet with him and he’s going to give you a ton of good information. THE PRESIDENT: Good. MS. BONDI: We’ve been rewriting it, and we are going to bring in something called the Gun Violence Restraining Order. So if someone is civilly committed — and typically, you can hold them for up to 72 hours, but people are getting out within 24 hours, the majority of them. So what we want to do is let law enforcement come in and take the guns. THE PRESIDENT: Good. MS. BONDI: They are a danger to themselves or others. THE PRESIDENT: Which you can’t do right now. MS. BONDI: Well, without being adjudicated. So because they’re a danger to themselves — THE PRESIDENT: You want them to take the guns and not go through six months of legal trials and everything else, which is a problem. MS. BONDI: Exactly. THE PRESIDENT: Okay. MS. BONDI: But we also have to give the mentally ill the due process in which they deserve, President. So what we’re doing is they’re going to be able to take the guns when they’re taken into custody — or into the hospital. And then, when they’re released, within 24 hours or 72 hours later — typically, it’s 24 hours — but law enforcement will have 72 hours to determine whether they should give those guns back, or they can go to a judge and say, “Your Honor, please keep these guns. We feel this person is still a danger to himself or others,” whether they’re in or out of custody. THE PRESIDENT: So this would not have worked the way it’s currently constituted. This would not have worked with Cruz as it’s currently constituted. MS. BONDI: As it’s currently written. THE PRESIDENT: So you’re going to make changes? MS. BONDI: We’re going to make changes. And one other thing we’re doing about the reporting, President, which is — this is a big issue — we need a clearinghouse. And that’s what we’ve all been discussing. And we have created, and several of my counterparts have done it around the country, but we’re the biggest state doing it — it’s an app. Because kids now are on social media. And there were so many warning signs on Snapchat, on Twitter, on Instagram. And they were posting — they were sending them to all different sources. And we’re going to have — and we just got it in written in our House and Senate budget; it will cost at least half a million dollars a year to fund this. But what it does — kids — and so I met with 10 students, and they loved it. And they said I’m empowering them. Three of them are my graphic designers. THE PRESIDENT: Good. MS. BONDI: They’re going to design the icon. Some are going to name it; they’re helping us with it. But it will cost probably about $100,000 maximum to develop. That’s all in our budget. So what kids can do now — they can automatically send something that says, “I’m going to buy a gun,” just like Cruz was doing. “I’m going to do this. I’m going to do this.” And one of the girls who I met with — one of the students — told me he had been doing this since middle school, he had bullied her. And she reported it. So it will all — they can instantly — and they can do it with anonymity. THE PRESIDENT: Good. Q Put it in this app. It will go in the app, and it will go through one clearinghouse with state law enforcement in Florida. THE PRESIDENT: Well, you mentioned the Internet. We have to look at the Internet because a lot of bad things are happening to young kids and young minds, and their minds are being formed. And we have to do something about maybe what they’re seeing and how they’re seeing it. And also video games. full event video here:

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