From Jam was a postmodern British dark comedy series created, written and directed by Chris Morris, and broadcast on Channel 4 during March and April 2000. It was based on the earlier BBC Radio 1 show, Blue Jam, and consisted of a series of unsettling sketches unfolding over an ambient soundtrack. Many of the sketches re-used the original radio soundtracks with the actors lip-synching their lines, an unusual technique which added to the programme's unsettling atmosphere. The cast, which comprised people who Morris had worked with on his earlier TV work such as The Day Today and Brass Eye, included Amelia Bullmore, David Cann, Julia Davis, Kevin Eldon and Mark Heap, as well as occasional appearances from Morris himself. It was written by Chris Morris and Peter Baynham, with additional material contributed by Jane Bussmann, David Quantick, Graham Linehan, Arthur Mathews and the cast. ReksaR: I think this is about a human being, who has gone mentally ill with this modern life. A human being, who can do absurd and sick things to others, because he or she has lost the faith in life. A human being, who can do anything illegal, because nothing else matters anymore. And that goes with people of all ages, from little children to old people. In the intro of this show you are always welcome in Jam, when you are having dangerous and bizarre thoughts in your mind.
[2000] Jam - Experimental black comedy sketch show, created, written, and directed by Chris Morris. "Jam 1: chemotherapy wig", Robert Kilroy Silk loses his mind, a suicidal man jumps off a first-floor balcony forty times rather than once off the top of the building.
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