NOLAJAMAPA instagram JAREDMAUGA twitter snapchat LEA SALONGA & JARED YOUNG De Jong Concert Hall "...Grew up dreaming of playing the role of Aladdin. Eventually I auditioned for the role at Disney's California Adventure and made final cuts two years in a row but wasn't cast either time, and quit auditioning. Years later my dream resurfaced. Lea surprises her audience by inviting a random enthusiastic volunteer to take on the role of Aladdin and join her on stage to sing 'A Whole New World' ...that night SHE PICKED ME!! I dreamt for 20 years of playing Aladdin(also for many years dreamed of performing alongside Lea Salonga) and couldn't believe my dream was coming true! It was a perfect night." - DREAM HARD . CHASE HARDER 😎 THANK YOU for watching! I'm so happy this clip is getting so much Youtube Love! PLEASE LIKE COMMENT SHARE SUBSCRIBE!!! I read all comments
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