Please support the Channel on Patreon: or through One-Time Donations on Ko-Fi: Feedback and Questions on my Twitter: Special thanks for the footage to Red: Sources: Adenauers Germany and the Nazi Past The Politics of Amnesty and Integration - Norbert Frei (1996) A Paler Shade of Red: Memoirs of a Radical - Gutman (2012) Brown Book (3rd edition) - Albert Norden, (1965) Die Strafverfolgung von NS-Verbrechen - Eichmüller (2008) Das Braune Netz - Willi Winkler (2019) Das Erbe des Kalten Krieges - Leo Müller (1991) DDR-Justiz und NS-Verbrechen - C. F. Rüter (2010) Die Akte Rosenburg - Görtemaker and Safferling (2016) Die Entstehung des BND - Thomas Wolf (2018) Die Kriegsverbrecherlobby - Felix Bohr (2018) Die zweite Schuld - Ralph Giordano (1987) Entnazifizierung und Personalpolitik in der sowjetischen Besatzungszone - Alexander Sperk (2003) Germany and Israel: Whitewashing and Statebuilding [WWSB in Video] - Daniel Marwecki (2020) Nylon und Napalm - Regula Bochsler (2022) Partners at Creation - James H. Critchfield (2003) Pullach intern. General Gehlen und die Geschichte des Bundesnachrichtendienstes - Höhne und Zolling (1971) Reckonings: Legacies of Nazi Persecution and the Quest for Justice, Mary Fulbrook (2018) "The Cape of Last Hope": The Postwar Flight of Nazi War Criminals through South Tyrol/Italy to South America - Steinacher (2006) The Investigation of Nazi Crimes, 1945–1978 - Adalbert Rückerl (1980) The Myth of the Eastern Front: The Nazi-Soviet War in American Popular Culture - Ronald Smelser (2008) Schuld und Schulden. Die Politik der Wiedergutmachung für NS-Verfolgte seit 1945 - Constantin Goschler (2005) Subcontractors of Guilt: Holocaust Memory and Muslim Belonging in Postwar Germany - Esra Özyürek (2023) Verfassungsschutz: Wie der Geheimdienst Politik macht - Ronen Steinke (2023) Zwischen Internationalismus und Staatsräson: Der Streit um den Nahostkonflikt in der Partei DIE LINKE - Leandros Fischer (2016) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This video is for educational purposes. If you have any copyright issues, send me an e-mail ( and I will remove this video right away or we will find another solution.
I’ll tell ya, this shit been pissing me off. Two feet on both sides does not a leftist make. Revisionists are a scourge on the left and thrive to blur the lines of what it means to actually be on the left. Austrians too. Gfy’s. And then I see a Bes D. Marx video on it. lol :
Why German Leftists support Israel. Hint: it got nothing to do with Israel or the Jewish people
Leftest critique of the german left supporting fascism, genocide, and concentration camps Amazing work as always by Bes D. Marx Part 1 Part 2
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