YouTube video by WUSA9
President Musk is the son of rich Afrikaners. The son of fascists, he knows what a Nazi salute is.
I’m going to save the “I told you so”. But, look here, in plain sight. We live in times I wouldn’t have wished on anyone.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m really struggling with this. Anyone who is WORRIED (or more) about the rise of fascism in America recognizes this for what it is. But nobody “respectable” is willing to call this a Nazi Salute. The Anti-defamation league even… (+)
They're wasting no time. #MuskNazi
Elon Musk went full out #Nazi salute at the podium. Strap in folks, the next 4 years are going to be dark & dangerous. #elonmuskisdangerous
This will be a long 2 years
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