
Geriatric MAGA Congresswoman Falls Down Capitol Steps

Far right Republican Congresswoman Virginia Foxx fell down the steps of the Capitol Building on the first day of the new Congress on Friday. Foxx is 81 years old and has been serving in the House for 20 years. She is just the latest in a growing list of geriatric members of Congress who are falling apart but refusing to leave office. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.   Link – Subscribe to stay connected to our stories: Support us by becoming a member on YouTube: Or Support us on Patreon: Buy Ring of Fire merch: Find us on social media! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: *This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos. On Friday, the brand new Republican controlled house and Senate, of course, were sworn in for the next two years at least. And among them was 81-year-old MAGA representative, Virginia Fox. And on her way into the Capitol on Friday, of course, happy, hey, we got a majority still. We we're gonna get a speaker, we're gonna, and she fell. She fell down the steps of the capitol, the 81-year-old MAGA congresswoman becoming just the latest in what is an increasing line of politicians who are so elderly that they can almost no longer function. Now, Virginia Fox, I do have a bit of sympathy for her, right? She's an 81-year-old, she fell down the stairs. There is nothing funny about that. I am not gonna sit here and mock her for that. What I am gonna talk about, however, is the fact that based on her voting record, she is of course a very horrible human being that we should not have any sympathy for because she has no sympathy for other human beings. She has been serving in Congress for 20 years, ever since she was 61 years old, right? Nice young, spry individual at the ripe old age of 61 when she first came to power and one of her first actions as a member of Congress was to vote against relief for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. That is one of the first things you did in that first year you were in Congress to vote against helping people that had just had their lives destroyed by a natural disaster that members of your party blamed on homosexuality at the time. So off like right there. I got no sympathy for whatever happens to you for the rest of your existence, Virginia Fox. She also, by the way, doesn't like the United States Constitution In January of 2013, Fox co-sponsored legislation that would stop children born in the United States to undocumented parents from gaining citizenship. So she wanted to end birthright citizenship, which of course is enshrined in the United States Constitution. So again, off. I got no sympathy for you. She of course, voted against all of Donald Trump's impeachments, and she was one of five Republicans in the House of Representatives who decided to skip repeatedly the metal detectors that were installed in the building following the attack on the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, just four short years ago. So again, pretty horrible person based on her voting history. But her voting history aside, we got a real big problem with all of these geriatric members of Congress who can't even control their own bodies, yet still think they Should control the rest of us by staying in Congress instead of doing the right thing and resigning, not just Fox, Nancy Pelosi needs to go, Mitch McConnell needs to go. These people are literally falling apart. In the last year and a half, we have had two separate members of Congress, one Republican, one Democrat, die of old age, these people that are still representing us, still writing laws that impact my life and your life and everybody's lives. They have outlived the actuarial tables, folks, okay? They have far exceeded life expectancy, and yet here we are still voting them in. Like that's what drives me crazy. We see all the time polls say Congress is too old. People don't like the elderly lawmakers. And then when it comes time to actually vote them out, y'all in those districts keep voting these idiots back in, that's on you. At least my district didn't do in that. I mean, granted, we voted for Matt Gaetz, so I don't have much room to talk. You know, we still picked a monster, but he was a young monster at least, right? I mean, that counts for something. No, all joking aside, we need age limits. We need term limits. We need both of those because these people are only gonna be willing to leave Congress in a pine box.

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