A January 6th defendant, Matthew Huttle, was pulled over in a routine traffic stop. It didn't end well. Become a youtube member: https://owenmorgan.com/fireside-membership Check out my book, Was Hitler an Atheist? https://owenmorgan.com/whaa Check out my other books at https://owenmorgan.com Patreon: https://owenmorgan.com/patreon Twitter: https://owenmorgan.com/twitter Twitch: https://owenmorgan.com/twitch Telltale: https://www.youtube.com/@owenmorgantelltale Telltale Fireside Chat: https://www.youtube.com/@telltalefiresidechat Telltale Unfiltered: https://www.youtube.com/@telltaleunfiltered Telltale Reads: https://www.youtube.com/@telltalereads TikTok: https://owenmorgan.com/tiktok Discord: https://owenmorgan.com/discord PayPal: https://owenmorgan.com/paypal Teespring: https://owenmorgan.com/teespring Podcast on iTunes: https://owenmorgan.com/itunes-podcast Voicemail: 1-800-701-8573
One less seditionist. youtu.be/SDoHjhn6I98?...
Here is the story of another criminal Jan. 6th Insurrectionist. These "Victims", as Traitor Trump calls them have now been arrested on a multitude of charges since their pardons, which include sexual assault, child pornography and drug trafficking. America is now LESS safe! Thanks Trump! 🖕
Trump LIES and lives are destroyed. There is a clear bold direct line from lies to death. www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDoH...
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