Digital Single「メタ盛るフォーゼ!」 DL & STREAMING : Lyrics : Yukina, Matsuri Music : Matsuri, Yukina Arrangement : Matsuri & LASTorder Mixing : MEG (MEGMETAL) <Music Video> Director : Takuya Oyama (VANLI) Illustration: PONKO CG Creator: Jumpei Inomata (VANLI), SHOTARO, Shun Yazawa, haquxx Producer : Mao Suzuki (P.I.C.S.) Production Manager : Risa Tomono (P.I.C.S.) Production : P.I.C.S. ▶︎Lyrics◀︎ メタルモアフォフォフォーゼ それぞれの事情 吹き飛ばせミッション 形勢逆転でほれ!実証 この魔法は、ちょっ〜と内緒 ぶっ放せBreak it 今日はちゃっかり人助けしたら ひょんな事から恩恵うけたな 来い!来い!ラッキーアイテム! Got it!Got it!変身アイテム!? I know the 本能をLOCK ON 漲るパワー 瞬殺ノックアウト 最強のヒロインが到来 巻き起こすメランコリーDAY BY DAY 襲いかかるヘビー級BOSS 集った仲間 狂ってたから 次回あの子、覚醒!し倒す この魔法はウチららしい… メタモルフォーゼ! めためた 盛る盛る 守れ Hey!変!変身タイム! Say!名!名シーンだ! 轟音を鳴らしていけ 想像を超えて超えて 常識を覆して ウチに秘めたアイデンティティ放て 目一杯パワー頂戴 全然解けない今日の難題 喧嘩も絆も全部ハイライト この魔法はもっ〜と内緒 I know the 才能にGet on 描くカラー 瞬殺ノックアウト 最強のヒロインが到来 騒ぎ出すアルティメットDAY BY DAY 忍び寄る影 闇堕ちレディ 傷つき傷つけ精神病みぃ 結んだ絆 救うよ幾多 この魔法は叶うらしい… メタモルフォーゼ! めためた 盛る盛る アモーレ(for you) Hey!変!変身タイム! Say!名!名シーンだ! WALK ONで掴み取って 限界を超えて超えて 今日イチをぶち壊して ウチに秘めたリフレインを叫べ また時が来た 背中叩き合い 永遠を交わした Metal more for the day メタルモアフォフォフォーゼ BABY?LADY?GAPに戦慄 Are you?Ready?POPに旋律 4pice ならノーリスクのうちらのバイブス 世界を超ピース メタモルフォーゼ! めためた 盛る盛る 守れ Hey!変!変身タイム! Say!名!名シーンだ! 轟音を鳴らしていけ 想像を超えて超えて 常識を覆して ウチに秘めたアイデンティティ放て ▶︎English Lyrics◀︎ Metal more pho-pho-pho-sis Each one's situation Let the mission blow it off Turn the tables and see? Prove it This magic is a little secret Blast off and break it Today I wasn't shy to help someone And unexpectedly met serendipity Bring it on! Bring it on! Lucky charm! Got it! Got it! Goods for transformation!? I know the instinct, lock it on Blazing power, instant knockout The fiercest heroine has arrived Sparking melancholy day by day Heavyweight boss attacks Gathering mates were crazy Next time, awaken that someone to the max! This magic is so us… Metamorphosis! Meta-meta enhancement, proteggere Hey! Morph! Morphing time! Say! Fame! Famous scene! Let the rumble roar Beyond and beyond imagination Defying common sense Unleash the innermost identity Give me power in full blast Can't solve any of today's challenges Beefs and bonds, they're all highlights This magic is even more secret I know the talent, let it get on drawing color, instant knockout The fiercest heroine has arrived Making ultimate fuss day by day Creeping shadow, lady of darkness Hurt and being hurt trouble your soul The bonds you built will save so many This magic seems to work… Metamorphosis! Meta-meta enhancement, proteggere (for you) Hey! Morph! Morphing time! Say! Fame! Famous scene! Walk on to grab it Beyond and beyond the limit Crush today's #1 Shout out the innermost refrain It's that time again Patting each other's back We exchanged the eternity Metal more for the day Metal more pho-pho-pho-sis Baby? Lady? The gap gives cold shivers Are you? Ready? Pop gives melodies 4-piece, no risks, our vibes are for super peace to the world Metamorphosis! Meta-meta enhancement, proteggere Hey! Morph! Morphing time! Say! Fame! Famous scene! Let the rumble roar Beyond and beyond imagination Defying common sense Unleash the innermost identity #hanabie #metal #Metamorphose +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 花冷え。 (Vo.ユキナ・Gt./Vo.マツリ・Ba./cho. ヘッツ・Dr.チカ) HANABIE. (Yukina, Matsuri, Hettsu & Chika) Officialsite: Twitter: instagram: TikTok: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I do like the guest on that track Hanabie, who appear to be a Kawaii Metal band, or at least in a adjacent genre
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