French politician Claude Malhuret criticized the United States' changing policy toward Ukraine and took aim at President Donald Trump during a general session of the French Senate on Tuesday.
C'est assez intéressant d'aller lire les commentaires sous cette vidéo: la traduction du discours de Malhuret aux USA. La grande majorité des amerloques trouvent le discours brillant. Et qui critique le plus? Des français d'extrême droite venus pour l'occasion défendre Trumpette. 🙄
If you have not heard this speech given by French politician Claude Malhuret to the French senate- you should take the time to do so. It is brilliant- what it means to us and for the rest of the world - Trump and his oligarchs should be forced to listen to it #resist #resistors
Claude Malhuret for President 2028? Yes he's French but he offers the most succinct and incisive criticism of Trump I've heard
For our American friends 😍🇺🇸, friends of democracy and for a free world.
Strong speech last week by french senator Claude Malhuret in support of Ukraine, and harshly criticizing Trump. Long live Ukraine and Europe, long live freedom and democracy ! #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #DonaldTrump #ElonMusk Un grand discours du sénateur français Claude Malhuret devient viral aux États-Unis et dans le monde. Bravo monsieur le sénateur. #claudemalhuret #Trump #Musk #neron #frenchpolitician #senateur #malhuret
So, Claude Malhuret is the senator of Allier, a nice and green place in the centre of France. That’s where I live now! I got friends from Wisconsin who visit me on a regular basis and they love it here. New destination for anyone repulsed by Trump, Musk and Vance ? 😊 Listen that
Incendiary Emperor,” “Ketamine Jester”… A French Senator’s Video Goes Viral in the United States #UnitedStates #ClaudeMalhuret #DonaldTrump #ElonMusk A must watch. The speech of Claude Malhuret, French Senator and speaker for his group « Les Indépendants ». So true!
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