Full testimony from Mrs. Kate Scott https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LooyQJpR22M&t=3303s UK Covid 19 Inquiry - Module 4 Hearing - 15 January 2025 PM Vaccine Injured bereaved UK Kate Scott statement https://covid19.public-inquiry.uk/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/15185619/INQ000474371.pdf Paragraph 10 (from Mrs. Kate Scott) We hope that our participation in this inquiry will result in 3 key outcomes: Firstly, to highlight the fact of vaccine injury and bereavement, secondly, to remove the stigma suffered by those who are vaccine injured or bereaved; and thirdly, to compel the Government and Pharmaceutical companies to look again at how to deal with the inconvenient fact of vaccine injury and bereavement and the lives that it has shattered. Paragraph 116 The first victims to die or suffer serious side effects from the AstraZeneca vaccine should have rung an alarm with the MHRA and the UK Government that there was a serious problem, however no action was taken. It was only when other European countries raised the alarm of a rare serious side effect causing the devastating blood clotting and low platelet condition that the UK admitted there was an issue. There was very little information released to the public about this risk and people, some of whom were very young, continued to be harmed. Paragraph 149 The MHRA should be independent and not funded by pharmaceutical companies. Members of Parliament and members of the MHRA and JCVI should not be able to hold shares in pharmaceutical companies to remove any potential conflict of interest. Substack analysis, Biologyphenom https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/exclusive-uk-covid-19-inquiry-15-1ae As of 30th Nov 2024 There are 17,519 claims made to VDPS, and only 194 were notified they are entitled to the payment. Paragraph 14 (Kate Scott statement) https://covid19.public-inquiry.uk/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/15185619/INQ000474371.pdf 55 of the claims where an award outcome has been communicated were made on behalf of someone who has died. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/vdps_figures_8#incoming-2882680 The list shows specific conditions that have been identified in medical records for those awarded a payment. Acute allergic reaction Anaphylaxis Bacterial pneumonia Bell's palsy Bilateral sequential optic neuropathy Capillary leak syndrome Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP)* Guillain-Barre syndrome Immune thrombocytopenia Myocardial Infarction Myocarditis/pericarditis Pulmonary Embolus Stroke/ CVA Transverse myelitis Vaccine-induced vasculitis VITT/Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis Full testimony from Mrs. Kate Scott https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LooyQJpR22M&t=3303s
(4) Brain injury - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhmt...
While we're on the subject of vaccine injuries. Formal inquiries are underway. We need more. youtu.be/UhmtYv7sYo4?...
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