This 1962 documentary film produced by the Los Angeles Fire Department, describes the historic Bel Air / Brentwood wildfire that started on November 5, 1961 in the Bel Air community of Los Angeles. Over the course of three days, the wind-driven fire destroyed 484 homes, damaged 190 others, and burned over 16,000 acres. Amazingly, there was no loss of life attributable to the blaze. The then $30 million disaster led to new laws in the City of Los Angeles to eliminate wood shingle roofs, and to clear dry brush away from homes. The film is narrated by actor William Conrad.
“Design for Disaster” (1962). LA Fire Dept just posted this ephemeral film.
Lots of people got upset at me for saying that the recent LA fires are nothing new, and LA should have been prepared for them. This is from 1962. You have to ask why we still haven't learned anything.
Context on the LA fires
“LAFD: "Design For Disaster" - The Story of the Bel Air Conflagration | 1962”
The scale of the recent conflagrations may top the chart, but the phenomenon of fires burning out of control during Santa Ana winds is not new for Los Angeles:
You can blame nature and stupidity one does not exclude the other. The east coast Australian fires are equally nature and man for destroying the watertable with dams and farming. Also this happened before, nothing changed the population grew into bad areas and the LAFD had its funding cut
No politics, just the facts, in this doc explaining the Bel Air conflagration of 1961 and how there is no winning against the conditions that create these fire events
it has happened before. No conspiracy. #CLIMATE
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