Video courtesy of FOBBVCAM The opinions presented do not necessarily reflect the opinions of FOBBV. We lost track of the number of meals the 3 well-fed chicks received today (thank heavens for the FOBBV Recap!). Having delivered 6 fish and 1 coot throughout the day, Jackie and Shadow fed the chicks fish from two of those catches for dinner. Everyone ate well. Nest Cam: Wide View Cam (Cam 2): Recaps & Observations:
We lost track of the meals the 3 Big Bear chicks received today. Having delivered 6 fish and 1 coot, Jackie & Shadow fed the chicks fish from 2 of those catches for dinner. Everyone ate well. Courtesy FOBBVCAM Friends of Big Bear Valley #raptors #birds #baldeagles #birdsofprey #skhideaways
Big Bear Valley Bald Eagles: Eaglets can be very aggressive with one another, but Jackie & Shadow know what to do: plenty of feedings each day by both parents. Watch (video by Live nest cam: #birds
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