

In this video I am again introducing the viewer to the geometry of Base Twelve Mathematics as it is practiced on the Base Twelve, or Dozenal, Cartesian Plane. I clearly present the difference between base ten and base twelve mathematics, illustrating how it is actually a very simple thing to perceive - that the size of the decimal place is different - and then I go on to prove that this difference is significant by presenting a diagram which does not exist anywhere within the canon of base ten mathematics. The geometric pattern which I introduce in this video enables us to divide the circle perfectly into 360 equally proportioned sections, where all the points on the circumference of the circle are not only the same distance from the centre of the circle, but are also spaced equidistant from their neighbours on either side - again, a diagram which does not currently exist anywhere within what could be called mainstream mathematics. In this video I also spend time preparing the viewer for the math they will encounter when engaging with this diagram, as we need to fully commit to actually doing base twelve mathematics in the construction of the diagram. I introduce the viewer to the numbers dec and el, and I give examples of simple base twelve arithmetic such as one would encounter in elementary school if one were growing up within a culture which already used dozenal mathematics as its preferred type of math. I present the viewer to a type of dodecagon, a do-dec-agon, and go over its size and proportions, and the lengths and distances which comprise its shape, and I illustrate its relationship to the familiar geometric patterns of √2 and √3, and the special right triangle, and I explain in detail the steps which need to be taken in order to create the diagram. I provide many visuals which will aid the viewer in becoming familiar with this "new" geometry, and I present many tables containing lists of the various components of the diagram. The radius' and diameters of the various circles, the formulas for calculating the angles within the circles, and the viewer will soon realize that the diagram is in reality quite simple, and yet the implications that it exists in base twelve are far reaching and quite profound. In the beginning of the video I frame the overall presentation and the information contained within as a big win for the physics community, as I believe this is the mathematics which will open doors to better understanding the nature of the world we live in, as well as the larger Universe itself inside of which we exist. I believe that if we wish to mathematically tie together the quantum world to our own physical world, and then ultimately to Cosmology and the workings of the larger Universe, then we must undertake a thorough examination of what base twelve mathematics has to offer. I believe that no such endeavour has yet been undertaken, and it is my intent with this video to both introduce the viewer to as yet unseen mathematics, and then to hopefully inspire the viewer to undertake such an exploration on their own. I believe many of the answers we are looking for will be revealed within the structures contained within dozenal mathematics and dozenal geometry. I also believe that there is a base twelve, or dozenal, version of Pi which will emerge from this geometry, and so in this video I am setting the stage for the next video where we will further explore this geometry and make the effort to do the calculation which is "lurking" beneath the construction of this diagram, since the building of the diagram literally involves the division of the diameter of the circle being divided and placed around its circumference. In this video I introduce the viewer to something new - a Unit of Circumference - something which, again, does not exist in base ten, and the existence of this geometric configuration which gives structure to the circumference of the circle holds much promise in terms of solving some problems which are currently plaguing physics, such as the problem of infinity and dark matter. We are finally given an actual shape to a smallest "thing" - instead of having to make jokes about "turtles all the way down" - referring to the myth of Atlas holding the world, standing on a turtle, and then...what is the turtle standing on? In another future video we will also be exploring the answer to the question - did someone already know about base twelve in our past? As it seems they very well may have, since we did inherit the concept of 360 degrees dividing the circle, but the true inspiration for such an idea, and the process to actually complete the task have been lost - until now! Is it a conspiracy that this information is not available to us, or has it simply been lost in history, only now to be revealed by myself after many years of exploring this subject deeply and being fortunate enough to have discovered the truth - that base twelve is the math of the physics of the Universe!!!

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