
LIVE: ENFORCE Trump's Disqualification, Recounts, Meidastouch Feedback│Lights On with Jessica Denson

Lights on! South Korea, Romania and Georgia are giving us invaluable lessons on how to thwart a lawless tyrant or puppet installed by Russia. Donald Trump, for one, remains constitutionally disqualified from holding office, and there IS something that can be done to keep this oath-breaking insurrectionist from re-entering the presidency before so much damage is done. Jessica Denson, who defeated Trump in the courts against all odds, explains how, and gives an update on election recount demands, the action/inaction being taken, and your feedback on her departure from Meidastouch. LIVE. Read Baude & Paulsen's "Sweeping Section Three Under the Rug": Read Kaitlin Byrd's "King Trump Is Not Inevitable": Support Jessica Denson's work: Shop Lights On Merch: Watch the Lights On podcast on YouTube:

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  • In case there is any ambiguity on Trump v. Anderson, even after this "judicial train wreck" of a ruling, the insurrectionist former president remains disqualified from taking office again. I explained thoroughly in this episode, and will continue with scholars et al:

  • According to the 14th Amendment Trump is disqualified from taking office and can’t be sworn in. However the Senate needs to act and they won’t unless we contact and push. We still have the majority in the Senate. It is verifiable and

  • Joe Courtney (Connecticut 2nd district) #representativeJoeCourtney Washington, D.C. Phone: (202) 225-2076 Norwich Phone: (860) 886-0139 if he is your representative insist he watches this

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