Yläilmoihin noussut Erika Vikman päräytti Ich komme -kappaleellaan. Artist: ERIKA VIKMAN Music and lyrics by: ROOS+BERG Creative Direction ARI LEVELÄ JUHA-MATTI VALTONEN REIJA WÄRE Show Producer MATTI MYLLYAHO Visual director ARI LEVELÄ Multicam & show director JUHA-MATTI VALTONEN Creative & multicam consultant SERGIO JAEN Supervising choreographer & stage director REIJA WÄRE Stage director HAZA VON HERTZEN Choreographer YASMIN JANATUINEN Costume designers TEEMU MUURIMÄKI RITVA MUIKKU Makeup & hair designer Miika Kemppainen Assist. multicam director HEIDI MUSAKKA Backing vocalists JEPA LAMBERT TERI MANTERE HEINI IKONEN Vocal coach AIJA PUURTINEN Stage- and lighting design ARI LEVELÄ PEKKA MARTTI Operators PEKKA MARTTI MIKKO LESKINEN SAKU VÄÄNÄNEN ARMANDO MORA Prop design ARI LEVELÄ RIIKKA KYTÖNEN Stage manager HARRI NYMAN Prop master HENRIK RÖMAN Safety Rigging Consultant JOUNI KIVIMÄKI / SORIN SIRKUS Pyrotech design MARKKU AALTO Producer ANNASTIINA PAAVOLA Main Producer ANSSI AUTIO Executive producer JUHA LAHTI Artist’s creative director Christel Roosberg
BUT. Finland itself chose to send THE Dom leather/vinyl sex domina goddess Erika song called ICH KOMME. I just want Trump to sit down, enjoy Europe (Finland), and just die of the cognitive dissonance.
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